JAKARTA | BuanaPost.com — Buku Protokol Keamanan Jurnalis dalam Meliput Isu Kejahatan Lingkungan diluncurkan, Rabu, 24 Maret 2021 oleh Lembaga Bantuan Hukum (LBH) Pers bersama Kemitraan Partnership secara online. Peluncuran buku protokol keamanan tersebut ditandai dengan diskusi online yang tentang protokol keamanan jurnalis dalam meliput isu kejahatan lingkungan. Diskusi dimoderatori oleh Febriana Firdaus dan dihadiri […]
Selena Gomez en Español: Watch 9 Times She’s Connected to Her Latin Roots
The follow-up to pop superstar Selena Gomez’s 2015 Revival album is “finally done,” she recently revealed. While a release date hasn’t been announced yet, another question that’s surrounding the hotly anticipated record is the direction in which Gomez will take with it. The most recent singles that she’s jumped on have seen her cross over […]